@DATABASE "TI.guide" @AUTHOR "Tom Heeren" @(C) "Copyright 1995 Tom Heeren" @$VER: TomIcons.guide (07.08.95) @NODE "MAIN" "TomIcons.guide"" @NEXT "MAIN" @{b}Welcome!@{ub} @{fg shine}@{" Tom's Magic WB Icons " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/spacemusic.snd 5 e5 q"}@{fg text} 7-Aug-95 MagicWB2.0-Style Icons and other stuff in a 16 colour format. Don't worry if these icons look a little strange at first, I haven't @{" goofed up " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/goofed.snd q"} it's just that you haven't installed the correct 16 colour palette. ;-> Please read on on how to make your workbench compatible with the colour prefs used by many of the world's greatest icon creators! @{" " LINK "ico"} Icons @{" " LINK "point"} Colour & Pointer @{" " LINK "hard"} HardDrive Icons @{" " LINK "def"} def_Disks @{" " LINK "pat"} Patterns @{" " LINK "Copyright"} Copyright notice @{" " LINK "Contact"} How to reach me @{" " LINK "Credits"} Credits @ENDNODE @NODE "ico" "TomIcons Information" @{b}Icons@{ub} Hi Everyone :-)! Here is a collection of MWB Icons and other stuff that I have drawn or created over the last few months. Most of them require the modified 16 colour palette discussed in @{" RomIcons9 " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/wahoo.snd q"}. (See below for further details). I am not an artist but use a registered version of Iconian and Picticon to cut and paste images to produce the icons that are on your screen now. Once in a while Personal Paint 6.1 came in handy as well ;-). The main Icons are for the PD or Shareware programs available of the same name from the AmiNet. (Yes I have registered EaglePlayer - apparently the only person in @{" Australia " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Boing.snd 5 e10 q"} to do so ;-/! This is a direct quote from RomIcons9 RI.Guide about the installation of a modified 16 colour Workbench. Take it away Roman. "Steps to install my 16 colour palette on your system: 1. Change your screenmode to 16 colors. 2. Load the User-Startup into your editor and change the MagicWB-Daemon to: Run >NIL: C:MagicWB-Demon 4,123,123,123 5,175,175,175 6,170,144,124 7,255,169,151 8,0,0,255 9,50,50,50 10,96,128,96 11,226,209,119 12,255,212,203 13,122,96,72 14,210,210,210 15,229,93,93 3. Do the same with your Startup-Sequence 4. Load Prefs/Palette and change the last four colours to 255,212,203 122,96,72 210,210,210 229,93,93 and save it. After re-boot everything should work fine." There you have it all the instructions you need to make your MWB2.0 look really @{" Cool " SYSTEM "TIGuide/SOUND TIGuide/Cool1.snd q"} to! I drew the Icons for myself mainly and I hope some other Amigans find them useful or at least interesting. @ENDNODE @NODE "point" "Colour & Pointer" @{b}Colour & Pointer@{ub} As I have discussed the 16 MWB palette in the @{" Icons " LINK "ico"} section you'll have to look it up yourself. ;-) This pointer is my creation. After seeing the multitude of arrows and other weird and wonderful pointers out there I thought it was time to develop my own pointer. It is a picture of a cartoon-like hand with an out-stretched index finger for the pointer. The wait picture is like the original Zzz cloud. I think they look much better than arrows and give my @{"AMIGA" SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Yeah.snd q"} (and maybe yours too) an individual touch that only owners of @{"INTEL Based Machines" SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/DoesNot.snd q"} can only drool over - Ha Ha. @{fg shine}There is one small problem which I don't quite understand :-/. When you click on the pointer icon the hand looks okay but the Zzz cloud has part of its side missing. To overcome this I suggest that you use Iconian or IconEdit and load the def_BUSYdisk icon and copy the Zzz cloud from it. Save it an image and import it to the Pointer prefs program as the BUSY image. Sorry for the inconvenience. If someone can suggest a way around this problem please send @{" ME " LINK "Contact"} a message.@{fg text} @ENDNODE @NODE "hard" "HardDrive Icons" @{b}HardDrive Icons@{ub} Here are the icons I use for my @{" HardDrive " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Computer.snd q"} partitions. I saw an attempt to make some similar icons in CreaTV-Icons by Karsten B hm but they seemed too cluttered and distracted the eye from the real reason they were there - to illustrate graphically what the icon contained. Even if they are not to your liking I hope they give people some ideas of what can be done with some very simple additions. @ENDNODE @NODE "def" "def_Disks" @{b}def_Disks@{ub} Here are some def_Disk icons which I hope you will use along with the deficon package. The original def_Disks were boring and didn't show you any information about the system format or the activity of your disk-drive. Since RomIcons8 and the included def_Disks in that package I decided to draw some icons myself. Here is a quick run down of them. @{fg shine}def_Disk@{fg text} - An Amiga system disk with an "A" on it. @{fg shine}def_ABxxdisk@{fg text} - The AmiBack default icon so you know what your archive disks contain. @{fg shine}def_BUSYdisk@{fg text} - Now you know that your disk drive is really busy! Although not really a def_disk I have included a def_icon which should speed up the deachiving process. @{fg shine}def_archive@{fg text} - project icon which contains "lha e" in the default tool line. @ENDNODE @NODE "pat" "Patterns" @{b}Patterns@{ub} Now to some artwork, that although I didn't draw, I modified them from originals by that great but sadly retired cartoonist @{" Gary Larson " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/laughter.snd q"}. These pictures have been scanned and coloured with the 16 colour palette using Personal Paint 6.1. They have a large AGA blue background (Colour pen 8) which takes advantage of @{B}MagicCopper@{UB}. Just adjust the colour to suit your tastes. The picture labelled @{B}FishFarside@{UB} would suit a blue background as the fish bowl is also coloured with the AGA blue giving the water some real depth! @{fg shine}The following pictures have been designed to work on a DblPAL screen (704 x 564) with 16 colours.@{fg text} @{" Dog Farside " SYSTEM "Multiview Patterns/DogFarside.iff"} - What are you up to @{" Rover " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Doglong.snd q"}? @{" Fish Farside " SYSTEM "MultiView Patterns/FishFarside.iff"} - I'm forever blowing @{" bubbles " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Bubbles.snd q"}! @{fg shine}The following picture was taken from a collection of PD images from a CDROM on my PC. It was originally in the BMP format and converted to a ILBM using Personal Paint 6.1. It is in the PAL format (640x256) with 256 colours.@{fg text} The other picture is that of a @{" Jaguar " SYSTEM "MultiView Patterns/Jaguar.iff SCREEN"} a big cat from the jungles of South America which I sometimes use as my BootPic with that great program BootScreen. When is Version 3 coming Joseph?. @ENDNODE @NODE "Copyright" "Copyright" @{b}COPYRIGHT@{ub} @{" TomIcons " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Cool1.snd q"} is Copyright 1995 @{" Tom Heeren " LINK "Contact"}. This package is @{fg shine}CARDWARE@{fg text}. If you like any of these icons or the other stuff included in this package you are humbly requested to spend a few minutes filling out a post-card of your home town and sending it to me. You are allowed to spread it all over the world using any storage medium available, but you must spread the whole package intact. Programmers & creators of PD-software are allowed to include single icons of this package in their own package-distributions (If you think any of them are any good) *8-). No one is allowed to take more than AUS$2.50 - (Australian Dollars) including disk and copying cost, and you must include some other MagicWB icons/patterns to fill up the disk by at least 90%. MagicWB is Copyright 1992-1994 Martin Huttenloher. Farside Cartoons are Copyright Gary Larson. @ENDNODE @NODE "Contact" "How to reach me" @{b}Where does this guy live?@{ub} Tom Heeren Lot 2 Nicholson Street Woolsthorpe Victoria 3276 Australia (Home of many @{" sheep " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Sheep.snd 4 e10 q"} and @{" Border Collies " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Doglong.snd v50 q"})! Internet:eagle@deakin.edu.au If you send me Email, I will answer it as soon as I can but I am in the middle of my honours thesis so you may have to wait a couple of days :-). __ __ /// Amiga 1200 \\\/// DKB Mongoose '030 50MHz, 10MB, Internal 500MB IDE HD, \/// Commodore 1942 Monitor, Canon BJ200, B/W Hand Scanner @{" Good-Bye until next time. " SYSTEM "TIGuide/Sound TIGuide/Whoo.snd q"} -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- @ENDNODE @NODE "Credits" "Credits" @NEXT "Credits" @{b}Thanks must go to@{ub} - Martin Huttenloher for creating MagicWB and improving the look of Amigas everywhere. - Urban D. M ller for his work with the AmiNet. - Roman "Icon King" Patzner for all his RomIcons and the bit of help he gave me to get this file on the Aminet. - All the other Icon artists out there who have given me the inspiration to produce this little collection and share it with the world! - The programmers of FRED, which I used to make this document - the DM's are in the Mail :-)!. @ENDNODE